This article is my entry for event Announcing cooking concepts # 10-Mom's recipe.
This one solely devoted to Mom on the occasion of Mother's day which falls on 13th May.
Mama being first teacher in my life has not only taught me how to talk,eat and everything
else but also how to cook ! I have learnt this recipe of golden rice from her. I was not at all
interested in cooking till I used to stay with my sweet mom but after marriage when
I came to US I remember everything about how she used to cook and everyday
I experiment with the dishes taught by her.There I gave birth to my blog last month
only as I like to try variety of dishes in my kitchen.She is the very first person to be
happy when I began my first solo effort in kitchen her happiness can be felt and
seen easily glittering through her eyes.
Love you Mom! This one is for you....
Golden rice--the main ingredients includes corn and spring onion...both of these are highly nutritive and has great medicinal value...also combination of corn and spring onion tastes very please try doing this receipe its really yummy! Credit of invention of this recipe goes to my dear Thanks mama for this amazing recipe..u all will surely love it.

This one solely devoted to Mom on the occasion of Mother's day which falls on 13th May.
Mama being first teacher in my life has not only taught me how to talk,eat and everything
else but also how to cook ! I have learnt this recipe of golden rice from her. I was not at all
interested in cooking till I used to stay with my sweet mom but after marriage when
I came to US I remember everything about how she used to cook and everyday
I experiment with the dishes taught by her.There I gave birth to my blog last month
only as I like to try variety of dishes in my kitchen.She is the very first person to be
happy when I began my first solo effort in kitchen her happiness can be felt and
seen easily glittering through her eyes.
Love you Mom! This one is for you....
Golden rice--the main ingredients includes corn and spring onion...both of these are highly nutritive and has great medicinal value...also combination of corn and spring onion tastes very please try doing this receipe its really yummy! Credit of invention of this recipe goes to my dear Thanks mama for this amazing recipe..u all will surely love it.
While searching few things on internet I got to know that corn is America's number one field crop...Also being biotechnology student I just cant ignore its medicinal values..Corn is easily assimilated as well as palatable.It contains thiamin (Vitamin B1) and pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) which is used in the metabolism of carbohydrates.
If corn is eaten, tuberculosis and epilepsy, as well as kidney disorders, can be avoided.So dont just avoid eating it. Also Vitamin C is found abundantly in corn which helps to fight against diseases. The fibre content in corn helps to lower cholesterol, reduces the risk of colon cancer and lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics.
New research shows the compound, phytochemical called ferulic acid in corn could help you keep away from a host of chronic conditions from Alzheimer’s which is very common in America... to cancer. Thus it has lot many medical applications.
Boiled or roasted, corn can be thoroughly enjoyed in every season. So try adding corn in your diet and enjoy its advantages on your health as it is very versatile and can be accompanied with various foods. It can be used in soups, salads, filling for sandwiches, rolls and wraps. It can be sauted and served with grilled vegetables.
Now coming to valuable Spring add great nutritive and taste value to this dish.It is added as sort of flavoring agent.It is wonderful garnishing agent which makes the food look delicious especially chinese food items and salsas.It has got plain looks with an intense flavor that surely delights your taste buds with its awesome flavor.
Do you know the onion bulb was worshipped as the symbol of the universe by ancient Egyptians? Nutritionally, green onions have a combination of the benefits of onions and greens. They are an excellent source of vitamin K and vitamin C, and a very good source of vitamin A too.
Spring onion is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium level. It has a high content of dietary fiber, vitamins, magnesium, potassium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, phosphorus, copper and riboflavin.Apart from this, the amount of diseases that it can cure is innumerable. They can be used for destroying worms or other parasites in the stomach.
Hence at least to take advantage of nutritive values of these 2 items and to derive maximum nourishment try golden rice!
Here is the recipe that describes golden rice...It is very simple and easy to make within very few minutes.
1 cup cooked basmati rice
1 tsp of jeera
2-3 finely chopped green chilles.
1 cup boiled corn
1 cup finely chopped spring onions both white and green part.
2 tbsp of oil
a pinch of turmeric.
a pinch of hing.
2 tbsp of finely chopped coriander.
salt as per your taste.
1.Heat oil in cooking pan.
2.Add Jeera allow it to turn brown a little.
3.Add hing and turmeric.
4.Add chopped green chilles.
5.Now add chopped spring onion and boiled corn.
5 Saute it for few minutes.
6 Add cooked rice and salt as per your taste.
7 Mix everything together well and allow is to cook for 2 minutes.
8.Garnish it with coriander leaves and serve hot.
And Enjoy it for dinner...its delicious....
Quiet new recipe to me !!! Looks so appealing and tasty one !!! Thanks for linking appreciate it !!!!